jesse owens' Career


track debut


olympic debut


primary event


olympic medals

1936 olympic medals

10.3 s

100m dash

26' 5 1/4"

long jump

20.7 s

200m dash

39.8 s

400m relay

accomplishments & awards

Set or tied national high school records

in the 100 yard dash, 200-yard dash, and the long jump.

Broke 3 world records and tied a fourth in a 45-minute span

at the 1935 Big Ten Conference Championships in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Competed in 42 events his junior year, and won them all

including four in the Big Ten Championships, four in the NCAA Championships, two in the AAU Championships and three at the Olympic Trials.

The first American to win four gold medals in a single Olympiad in 1936

100 m dash in 10.3 seconds (tying the world record), long jump with a jump of 26' 5 1/4" (Olympic record), 200 m dash in 20.7 seconds (Olympic record), and 400 m relay in 39.8 seconds (Olympic and world record).

Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976.

The highest award bestowed upon a civilian, by Gerald R. Ford

Posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 1990

by President George H.W. Bush.